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  • Launching Out Into New Territory


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    Rick Renner is the author of more than 30 books, including the bestsellers Dressed To Kill and Sparkling Gems From the Greek 1 and 2. His understanding of the Greek language and biblical history opens up the Scriptures in a way that enables readers to gain fresh insight from Gods Word. Rick is founder and president of RENNER Ministries, based in Tulsa, and host to his TV program aired around the world in multiple languages.

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    Launching Out Into New Territory

    God has something mighty He wants to do in your life. But to do it, He may need to get you “unstuck” — and that can be a scary proposition, especially if you’ve been stuck in one place or one mindset for a long time. But if you are willing to let the Holy Spirit free you, you’ll find yourself in a God-ordained environment where He can begin to show you great and mighty things about Himself and about you and His plan for your life.

    In this 5-part series by Rick, you’ll see what happened when the apostle Paul and his team left their home base in Antioch to venture into new territory. Antioch had become safe and familiar, but God was calling them beyond the barriers of their comfort zone into unfamiliar territory where adventure and glorious victories awaited them. But to encounter and experience God’s plans, they had to launch out into new territory.

    God has amazing adventures and victories planned for you! Eventually a time will come — and maybe that time is now — when you’ll have to say goodbye to comfortable settings to launch out into the new territories that are beckoning you.

    In this series, you’ll learn:

    • How God’s dealings with His people are very predictable
    • How to recognize when God is calling you to make a big change in your life
    • How you can be sure it’s really the Holy Spirit speaking to you about a change
    • How to take those first steps wisely so they that they are solid and sure

    Series includes (1) Study Guide. Additional copies can be purchased for group study.

    Note: DVD and CD series include a printed Study Guide.
    Digital Products (USB, Digital Video, and Digital Audio) include a Digital Study Guide (PDF format).

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