

By scrupulously extracting pictures hidden inside the Greek and conveying them to readers using contemporary language, Rick Renner brings this book of the Bible to life in ways that draw students of the Word into deeper study and greater revelation of God’s message to His people for all time.

In the book of Second Thessalonians, the Holy Spirit vividly reveals the following through Paul’s inspired writings:

•  What occurred in Thessalonica between the writing of the first and second epistles.

•  God’s payback system for those who trouble you.

•  Information about the glorious appearing of Christ and warnings about the last days.

•  The restraining force holding back the full manifestation of the Antichrist.

•  Examples of demonic signs and wonders — and God’s verdict of judgment.

•  The command to avoid rebellious and disorderly brethren.

•  God’s thoughts about people who don’t work and those who are busybodies.

•  And so much more!

There’s so much more to the Bible than meets the eye when you dig deep to find its rich meaning. Let the Renner Interpretive Version of Second Thessalonians guide you as you begin your study adventures! For a more detailed description, click here.