Dear Friends,
Since Denise and I moved our family to the former Soviet Union over 30 years ago, we have seen the Lord do many marvelous things beyond anything we could have imagined. Walking with God has truly been the journey of a lifetime. As I’m sure you know, I recently released a book detailing our story that is appropriately titled “Unlikely.” Time and time again, it seemed unlikely that we would be able to accomplish the plan of God; it just seemed too impossible! He stretched us in so many ways as we took giant leaps of faith in obedience to the assignment and mandate He placed on our lives and ministry. But I can tell you that God was with us every step of the way! He has proven His faithfulness to us many times over. We are living testaments to the goodness of God and that He will use anyone who will say yes to His plan and step out in faith with a willing heart!
As you know, this year our ministry purchased a new building in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, which serves as our ministry headquarters in the United States. It is staffed by faithful team members who co-labor with us to bring the teaching of the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations of the earth. At this new Broken Arrow facility, we take thousands of calls from people from all over the world, we produce TV programs, social media, fulfill orders, and give away thousands of resources to people who look to us because they believe we provide teaching they can trust.
On Tuesday, July 26th, we will be dedicating our Broken Arrow office building to the Lord, and we want you to share this joyful occasion with us by joining us as we stream this event live at 2:00 p.m. CT at We’ll have a few special friends of the ministry joining Denise and me, and we believe it will be a wonderful time together as we give thanks for what the Lord has done. We do what we do because of the Lord’s call on our lives and due to the faithfulness of your prayers and the generous giving of our partners. That’s why we hope you can join us online here on on July 26, at 2:00 p.m.
We are your brothers and sisters, and partners in Jesus Christ,
Rick and Denise Renner
along with Paul, Philip, Joel and our entire ministry team