The Bible says in Colossians 1:28 (NKJV), “Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” This is the vision of our ministry — to take the Gospel both near and far. Or, in other words, we’re taking the Gospel to our local community and all over the world!
We have many platforms that help us to reach our goal of spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth: our local Good News churches, books, TV programs, social media, and our outreaches that help the outcasts, shut-ins, homeless, and orphans. We want to utilize every possible means we can to get the Gospel to people.
YouTube is one of the ways we’re reaching thousands and thousands of people each day with our TV programs. And the more likes and subscribers we have, the more people will see our programs! If you view our programs on YouTube, would you please “like” them and subscribe to our two channels?
To find the RENNER Ministries YouTube channel, click here.
To find the Denise Renner YouTube channel, click here.
This small gesture will help us get our programs to more and more people who need to hear the good news of the Gospel, especially in the day and hour we are living in. Thank you for your help!