A Light In Darkness Bundle
In the book of Revelation, the Lord Jesus Christ dramatically revealed Himself to the exiled apostle John. He had much to say concerning the spiritual condition of the seven most influential churches of the day and gave messages to the pastors of each of those congregations. In Rick Renner’s comprehensive study of the early New Testament Church Age, he paints a detailed picture that includes the rich historical backdrop of the times and the culture the Early Church lived in. The significance of Christ’s letters to these seven churches cannot be understated as they address the issues these churches were facing and also speak prophetically to universal problems that churches of all ages still face today. Understanding these seven messages is vital in recognizing where the modern-day Church is now and where the Lord intends for her to be in the days ahead.
In this bundle, you will receive the following books:
- A Light in Darkness, Volume 1
- No Room for Compromise, Volume 2