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Ready For a Promotion?
Do you want to lead in life? Lead in your job? Lead your co-workers?
You can learn to lead today with Rick Renners book – Promotion!
To be a leader, you dont have to be perfect, but you must be willing to grow! In this book, Rick answers the hard questions about the often-misunderstood subject of leadership, and how you can develop the critical character traits you need to get a Promotion!
Each chapter Rick reveals the keys and questions for personal growth, as well as a comprehensive acid test for leadership.
In this book, youll learn:
- the 10 Keys every leader must apply to be successful and to build an
unbeatable team and how to mentor promising leaders so they become
top-notch producers who please God. - the significance of the standards you keep and the relationships you hold.
- the non-negotiable traits that determine if you or someone else is ready to progress in rank, position or influence.
- practical ways to achieve your desired success.
Whether your seeking advice on when, how, and who to promote — or you want to hold a leadership position — Promotion! prepares you for leadership. Get your copy today.