The Moscow Good News Church is one of the largest Protestant churches in the former Soviet Union. In the early 1990s, Rick and Denise received the call to start churches in the former Soviet Union. With their family of three young sons, they moved from the United States to Latvia in 1992, opening the first Good News Church in Riga in 1993.

A few years later in the year 2000, the Moscow Good News Church was started in Moscow. And in 2007, Rick and Denise began expanding Good News Church in the surrounding area.

The Renners also minister to people through their online Good News Church (, which provides spiritual food for viewers and responds to their spiritual needs as they reach out to the ministry. The Internet Good News Church provides a marvelous opportunity to minister to people who do not have a local church home. Currently, more than 200,000 online church members watch from 56 countries every month! More than 300 volunteers, as well as our Moscow team minister to these precious souls from around the world.

In the past five years, the central Moscow church has opened three satellite churches in the north, south, and southwestern parts of the city. Each affiliate of the Good News Church is unique and has its own face. But we are all one body, and our principal task is to lead people to Christ, get them established in the Word, and involve them in the local church.

Your generous support continues to make a huge difference in people’s lives around the world through these and other outreaches of RENNER Ministries.