We want to share with you all that God has enabled us to do with the help of our partners! Click on this video to learn more about the current outreaches of RENNER Ministries.
If you would like to support this ministry in any of these outreaches, click the button below.

Teaching Ministry
Besides pastoring the Moscow Good News Church in Russia and hosting a TV program that can be seen around the world, Rick and Denise Renner maintain an active public-ministry schedule. Their itinerary includes visits to the United States for approximately 12 weeks each year, as well as to many parts of Europe and wherever the Lord leads them!
God has entrusted Rick with the blessing of ministering the Word of God face-to-face to more than 3,000,000 people since this ministry began. Nations he and Denise have ministered in over the years include Albania, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Canada, Caribbean Islands (various), China, Costa Rica, Denmark, England, France, Germany, India, Israel, Mexico, Moldova, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine — and, of course, the United States and Russia.
In his own pulpit in Moscow, where he and Denise reside, Rick preaches more than 200 times in services each year. The Renners will continue to travel both in the U.S. and abroad as they proclaim the Gospel to win the lost, rescue the hurting, and strengthen believers around the globe.
Click here to learn more about this important outreach.

Book Publishing
Rick has authored more than 30 books in English and Russian, many of which have also been translated into German, French, Ukrainian, and Portuguese. His best-selling titles include Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 1 and Volume 2 and Dressed To Kill — A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare and Armor, which have sold more than 3,000,000 copies combined.
Rick Renner is a highly respected teacher and author within the Christian community, both in the U.S. and abroad. Known for his study of biblical Greek, Rick uniquely combines his exceptional insights with practical knowledge, drawing from both his personal experience and from Scripture. His easy-to-understand, faith-filled approach appeals to ministers, students of the Bible, and laypersons alike.
Denise Renner has authored four powerful books. She writes from her personal experiences to minister life and purpose to the lost and hurting, especially women. In her book Who Stole Cinderella? Denise teaches wives how to strengthen their marriages and other important relationships in their lives.
Click here to learn more about this important outreach.
To browse books by Rick and Denise, click here.

Renner TV
For more than 30 years, Rick Renner has been broadcasting his teaching to the former USSR. In 2019 “Renner TV” began airing daily programs in the U.S. And today, he can be found on more than 19 television networks and several digital channels that reach the U.S., Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. As Rick expertly uncovers biblical truths in the Greek New Testament, millions of lives are being shaped and strengthened by the Word of God.
It is the desire of Rick and Denise Renner to see a revival of the Bible take place in people’s hearts all over the world, and TV is one way to do just that. Ranging from topics like the will of God, spiritual warfare, family relationships, gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how to live in these last days, “Renner TV” invites people to live each day inspired by the truth of the Word of God.
In each program Rick unlocks new meanings from the Greek, making the hidden biblical truths simple and easy for anyone to understand. Several hours are spent preparing each message to make sure every series is truly teaching you can trust.
“The lips of the righteous feed many…” (Proverbs 10:21), and it is the prayer of this ministry to feed and nourish many through the voices of Rick and Denise Renner and the medium of television.
Click here to learn more about this important outreach.
To view our TV listings and online platforms, click here.

Partner Care
As pastors, Rick and Denise Renner take seriously the Lord’s mandate in Ezekiel 34 to take care of the weak, tend to the sick, minister to the injured, search for those who have wandered from the fold and are lost, and stand guard over and protect the sheep given to their charge. They believe strongly that this mandate includes not only their Moscow congregation, but also the friends and partners God has given them all around the world.
Our Partner Care team establishes meaningful connections with our partners by making personal phone calls, sending handwritten notes, and praying according to God’s promises for their needs. Our team also reaches out to people who’ve had storms in their lives, realizing that showing compassionate support in difficult times is the practical demonstration of the Gospel that could make all the difference in their lives.
We reach out to our friends because we care. We pray for people who are going through life struggles, including those who face relationship problems or who are in financial distress. It brings so much joy to our hearts when miracles happen and lives and families are changed. Additionally, we pray each day for our country and its leaders, for Jerusalem, and for the world. Especially now, we believe it is of utmost importance that the nations receive steadfast support in prayer from believers.
We invite you to call, email, or write us! We promise that your request will be dealt with seriously and confidentially and that our team will pray with confident expectation for your need to be met according to God’s Word. We’re waiting to hear from you!
Click here to learn more about this important outreach.

House of Mercy
In addition to providing thousands of meals each year for Moscow’s homeless population, the House of Mercy staff also manage a family-style orphanage. Committed to and passionate for those forgotten by society, HOM provides food, distributes clothing, conducts evangelistic crusades, holds weekly church services and Bible studies, and hosts home groups at state shelters – all to share the truth that God loves all people and has a plan for their lives.
The House of Mercy encounters heart-wrenching stories daily that, by the mercy of God, find opportunities to result in happy endings. There are so many powerful testimonies of children rescued by this ministry. For example, two girls were sold by their parents into the sex industry of Moscow. Later, however, they were rescued by the House of Mercy ministry, and today these girls live safe and sound and are thriving in this God-sent mission.
The House of Mercy conducts trips to youth prisons, boarding schools, mental institutions, and hospitals to reach even more hurting and abandoned children whose lives are aching for an expression of God’s mercy. They also provide more than 4,000 meals to homeless adults and young people each year on the streets of Moscow — sometimes the only food that most of these people receive each day!
This vital outreach conducts special evangelistic programs during the holidays for more than 1,000 children in closed institutions and for more than 400 adults from four state shelters. These “home” meetings not only provide attendees with solid teaching from God’s Word, but they also restore to group members a sense of community and belonging that the enemy had stolen from them — or that some had never experienced before their encounter with the House of Mercy.
James 1:27 says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” Those who are being helped by the House of Mercy outreach are exactly the type of people God asks us to reach out to and care for in their affliction. And through the prayer and financial support of our friends and partners, RENNER Ministries is doing just that.
Click here to learn more about this important outreach.

Golden Age
The Renners began this outreach in 2004, and today it has grown to become Russia’s largest protestant ministry to the elderly. We hold annual concert events — which have numbered up to 16,000 in attendance — as well as weekly services and monthly mini-concerts. During these events, we distribute food staples, Bibles, Christian literature, vitamins, arthritis creams, and other necessities for seniors in order to show love to this often forgotten generation.
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, senior citizens were among the most honored people in Soviet society because of the contributions they’d made during World War II. These were the people who were at the front lines, fending off invading Nazis in a war that claimed the lives of 27 million citizens in that region of the world. And afterward, it was this segment of the population that helped rebuild roads and highways and reconstruct entire cities — including apartments, hospitals, and public buildings that still stand in this vast region today.
But with the fall of Communism, the world around them as they knew it also fell apart. As senior citizens, these men and women found themselves lost in a new world they never saw coming. Their passports held the name of a nation that no longer existed. Everything they’d given their lives to build just “disappeared” from before them, including their dreams of being well cared for in their senior years. In a very real way, this segment of society — once so revered — became “orphaned adults.”
Golden Age is a powerful outreach to Moscow’s oldest citizens. More than 4,000 elderly people, many of them former communists and atheists, come to us every month to take advantage of this program designed just for them! We wish you could see and experience the way the hearts of these elderly people are touched by this demonstration of God’s love. Many cry; some even weep; and others laugh. So many of them have expressed to us:
‘It has been years since anyone has paid attention to us. We just don’t understand why you love us so much and why you want to do this wonderful thing for us.’
In the many years that have passed since Golden Age first began, more than 30,000 senior citizens have been ministered to through this outreach. Of that original number, many have died due to old age, and others are too infirm or elderly to attend meetings, yet more than 4,000 monthly continue to actively participate in our meetings. Since a significant percentage of Moscow’s elderly who come to Christ through this outreach do so at the very last moments of their lives on earth, Golden Age truly is a last-chance ministry!
Click here to learn more about this important outreach.

Rehabilitation Centers
Through our outreach to drug-and-alcohol hospitals and rehabilitation centers, we share both spiritual and practical gifts to meet peoples’ desperate need for hope, eternal life, cleanliness, and health. And for those patients who choose to connect with the Moscow Good News Church upon their release, RENNER Ministries provides additional teaching to assist them in their recovery as they reclaim their spiritual and emotional freedom and re-enter society.
We regularly visit several of these rehabilitation centers, notably at the request of authorities in those facilities. Repeatedly, we have been told by directors and staff that patients demonstrate improvement after our visits and that their return rates significantly diminish as a result. At the nine facilities we regularly visit, more than 450 patients and 70 workers hear the Gospel, receive prayer, and accept gift bags — all tangible demonstrations of the love of God in action.
Drug-and-alcohol hospitals and rehabilitation centers represent a key area of focus in our outreaches to those in need of rescuing. In addition, we’ve been granted access to more than 1,100 children in closed institutions — such as youth prisons, children’s mental hospitals, and treatment centers. With each visit to these institutions, we provide both ministry from the Word of God and practical ministry as we donate gift bags containing Bibles, hygiene products, prayer cards, and candy.
Click here to learn more about this important outreach.

Good News Training Center
In January 2003, shortly after the Moscow Good News Church was established, Rick and Denise began the Good News Training Center to train believers to fulfill their God-given callings with excellence. The first 81 students that year came from Moscow and all over Russia and beyond to train and become equipped to pioneer new works, to be sent to the nations of the world as missionaries, and to serve more effectively in their local church congregations.
The Good News Training Center (formerly called the Moscow Good News Seminary) began primarily to fill the demands for leadership in the new and rapidly growing Moscow church but still remains an integral part of the church today and plays an important role in expanding the Kingdom of God in the former USSR. In a region of the world closed to the Gospel less than 25 years ago, what better way to reach the multitudes than to raise up ministers and leaders so that they can in turn teach others?
The Renners graduated the first class in December 2004, and to date, more than 600 men and women of all ages and stations in life have completed studies. Where are our graduates now?
- Many have become home-group leaders or serve in some capacity in the Moscow Good News Church.
- Several are members of the MGNC pastoral staff.
- Several are training-center/seminary instructors.
- Many have returned to their own home churches and are integrally involved in leadership in those churches, in other ministry organizations, and in various social programs.
- Many are missionaries, predominantly reaching the 12 countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) — including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia,
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Georgia. - Several have pioneered churches or assumed pastorates in the CIS and beyond.
In September 2006 and 2007, the training center opened satellite schools that have trained and graduated additional students. The Good News Training Center continues to train students in all facets of ministry in one- to five-year programs, but places a high emphasis on missionary and pastoral ministries.
The training center’s director explained: “We believe the greatest call today — a call that our training center must answer — is both to train and send out missionaries and pastors. We’re committed to providing Bible education and sound practical teaching, with our strongest desire and thrust leaning toward church planting and missions, both home and international.”
Training tomorrow’s leaders today, the Good News Training Center and satellite schools are a crucial part of the vision God gave the Renners years ago to “teach all nations,” strengthen the Church, and rescue those in need of God’s healing and delivering touch. Hundreds of believers have been trained as missionaries, pastors, and helps ministers after receiving this intensive ministry training and are doing their part to spread the Gospel throughout Russia and beyond.
Click here to learn more about this important outreach.