We want to share with you all that God has enabled us to do with the help of our partners! Click on this video to learn more about the current outreaches of RENNER Ministries.


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Teaching Ministry

Besides pastoring the Moscow Good News Church in Russia and hosting a TV program that can be seen around the world, Rick and Denise Renner maintain an active public-ministry schedule. Their itinerary includes visits to the United States for approximately 12 weeks each year, as well as to many parts of Europe and wherever the Lord leads them!

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Book Publishing

Rick has authored more than 30 books in English and Russian, many of which have also been translated into German, French, Ukrainian, and Portuguese. His best-selling titles include Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 1 and Volume 2 and Dressed To Kill — A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare and Armor, which have sold more than 3,000,000 copies combined.

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Renner TV

For more than 30 years, Rick Renner has been broadcasting his teaching to the former USSR. In 2019 “Renner TV” began airing daily programs in the U.S. And today, he can be found on more than 19 television networks and several digital channels that reach the U.S., Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. As Rick expertly uncovers biblical truths in the Greek New Testament, millions of lives are being shaped and strengthened by the Word of God.

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Partner Care

As pastors, Rick and Denise Renner take seriously the Lord’s mandate in Ezekiel 34 to take care of the weak, tend to the sick, minister to the injured, search for those who have wandered from the fold and are lost, and stand guard over and protect the sheep given to their charge. They believe strongly that this mandate includes not only their Moscow congregation, but also the friends and partners God has given them all around the world.

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House of Mercy

In addition to providing thousands of meals each year for Moscow’s homeless population, the House of Mercy staff also manage a family-style orphanage. Committed to and passionate for those forgotten by society, HOM provides food, distributes clothing, conducts evangelistic crusades, holds weekly church services and Bible studies, and hosts home groups at state shelters – all to share the truth that God loves all people and has a plan for their lives.

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Golden Age

The Renners began this outreach in 2004, and today it has grown to become Russia’s largest protestant ministry to the elderly. We hold annual concert events — which have numbered up to 16,000 in attendance — as well as weekly services and monthly mini-concerts. During these events, we distribute food staples, Bibles, Christian literature, vitamins, arthritis creams, and other necessities for seniors in order to show love to this often forgotten generation.

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Rehabilitation Centers

Through our outreach to drug-and-alcohol hospitals and rehabilitation centers, we share both spiritual and practical gifts to meet peoples’ desperate need for hope, eternal life, cleanliness, and health. And for those patients who choose to connect with the Moscow Good News Church upon their release, RENNER Ministries provides additional teaching to assist them in their recovery as they reclaim their spiritual and emotional freedom and re-enter society.

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Good News Training Center

In January 2003, shortly after the Moscow Good News Church was established, Rick and Denise began the Good News Training Center to train believers to fulfill their God-given callings with excellence. The first 81 students that year came from Moscow and all over Russia and beyond to train and become equipped to pioneer new works, to be sent to the nations of the world as missionaries, and to serve more effectively in their local church congregations.

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