Our ministry is “bursting at the seams” with response from people who are reaching out to us from all over the English-speaking world and from hundreds of thousands of Russians who are tuning into our program from all over the Russian-speaking world. Denise and I are speechless at what we see the Lord doing, and we are humbled by it!

Because many are reaching out to us for prayer, support, and resources, our Tulsa office has run out of room in our current building, and we need to enlarge our space. This is happening at the very same time we are taking steps to construct a new TV studio in Moscow to help us produce more and better programs to reach people all over the world.

Denise and I are confident the Holy Spirit is leading us to purchase a new “ministry home” in the Tulsa area and, of course, to finish the much-needed TV studio in Moscow. We have already located a building that is fully furnished and that perfectly meets all the needs of our ministry. For a video tour of that building click here. Combined, the building in Tulsa and the TV studio in Moscow equal approximately 50,000 square feet. Including land, all furnishings, all needed TV equipment — absolutely everything — the whole project will cost a remarkably low $155 per square foot. Be sure to view the video on this page where I explain it all to you.

Would you please pray about joining us as a part of the “giving team” to help us achieve this victory quickly? What our partners currently give enables us to take the teaching of the Bible across the world, so we are unable to use current giving to meet this urgent need. This will require extra finances (if you’d like to see where we are currently on this project, please click here).

If you feel led to join us with our ministry expansion project, it can be done quickly through our combined efforts. As a result, we will reach into people’s hearts to help bring them into a deeper love of Jesus and a “revival of the Bible” in their lives!

Our goal is NEVER buildings. Our goal is reaching people. But we need more space so we can better take care of the precious people who are reaching out to us with their needs and requests. Long-time partners know that Rick Renner Ministries carefully stewards what is entrusted to us. We will be stretching every gift to make it count in accomplishing this urgent need. I promise that we will steward every gift given for this special project with seriousness and care. Will you join us as a part of our special giving team to accomplish this feat?

Rick and Denise Renner

Ministry Expansion Project

Square Feet Funded

39,196 ft2
As of: February 22, 2025 2:00 CST
of our 50,000 ft2 goal