Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord….
—1 Corinthians 15:58
Have you ever looked at someone and thought, Wow, that person is such a rock! What does it mean to you when you think of someone as a “rock”? That’s a strong statement, so it would be well worth your time to think it through and decide what characteristic makes a person a “rock” to you, to someone else, or to a church, business, or organization. Even more importantly, would others call you a “rock”?
In First Corinthians 15:58, Paul writes, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord….” I want you to look at the word “stedfast” in this verse, because it illustrates what kind of person God considers to be a “rock” in His family.
What does it mean to be steadfast? This word “steadfast” is the Greek word edraios, which has several meanings:
- It means to be stationary, such as something that sits in one place for a long, long time.
- It describes something that is firm and steady.
- It was frequently used in connection with foundations or support structures in buildings.
- It portrays something that is strong, unbendable, unbreakable, and permanent, such as a well-built foundation for a large building or a strong column that holds up a roof.
*[If you started reading this from your email, begin reading here.]
So when Paul urges us to be “steadfast,” he’s calling on us to be totally reliable — not shaky or undependable. We should be stationary in the roles God has called us to fulfill in the Body of Christ. We shouldn’t be quickly shaken or easily lured to some other place or some other task. We must be like pillars, foundations, or supports in the house of God.
When you take the Greek word edraios into consideration, it means First Corinthians 15:58 could be interpreted:
“…Be reliable; dependable; not easily excited, shaken, or affected….”
What is the purpose of a huge stone pillar in a building? Its purpose is to support the roof or some other important section of the building, correct? What would happen if you suddenly jerked that pillar out of its place? You’d find out very quickly that the pillar had been essential to holding up the place! Remove that pillar, and the entire building would collapse into a heap of rubble, creating a horrible, terrible mess!
When God tells you to be “steadfast,” He is asking you to be a “rock” in His house — like a pillar that faithfully stands in its place and helps to hold things together. He wants you to be so dependable that people lean on you, counting on the fact that you’ll always be there to help keep things together. And when events occur that shake up everyone’s world a bit, God wants people to look to you as one who isn’t easily excited, shaken, or affected.
Now that you know the kind of “rock” God needs you to be, would you say that you qualify to be called a “rock” today? Would others call you a “rock,” or would they say you are up again, down again; easily excited; and not too dependable? If you got real honest with yourself, would you judge yourself to be steady, sturdy, and reliable — or unpredictable and undependable?
Don’t view yourself as small, insignificant, or unimportant. God needs you, and other people are depending on you. It’s time for you to realize that God meant for you to be a part of the foundation of the Body of Christ! You can be a “rock” in His family and a person on whom others can lean and depend.
If you’re thinking differently than this, you need to change your thinking. Instead of focusing on how insignificant you are in God’s great plan for these last days, start focusing on becoming steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work the Lord has assigned to you!
My Prayer for Today
Lord, I want to be the person You and others can depend on. Forgive me for any instability in my life, and help me overcome every weakness in my character. Just as I have looked for others to be “rocks” in my life, I want to be a “rock” to other people. I have a lot of room for development in my life, but I am willing to be changed. I want to be taught, corrected, and taken to a higher level. Today I ask You to do whatever is necessary to make me the strong and reliable kind of person You want me to be! Please do Your special work inside me!
I pray this in Jesus’ name!
My Confession for Today
I confess that God’s Word overcomes the weaknesses in my personality and character. God calls me to be “steadfast” — and I AM steadfast. God and people see me like a pillar that stands in its place and helps to hold things together. I am so dependable that people can lean on me, counting on the fact that I will always be there to help keep things together. When events occur that shake up the world around me, I am not easily excited, shaken, or affected. Praise God, I am becoming more and more dependable all the time! When people hear my name, they think of someone on whom they can rely!
I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!
Questions to Answer
1. Can you think of five people who have been “rocks” in your life? Why not go out of your way to let those people know how much you appreciate them?
2. What strengths did those people exhibit that made you think so highly of them?
3. Is there anyone who needs your strength right now? What can you do to be a “rock” to that person in his time of need?