As I write to you today, I want to begin by telling you that Denise and I are so thrilled about everything God is doing in our lives and through our ministry. This is absolutely the most exciting time of our lives! All over Russia — and across the rest of the world — we are seeing people respond to the teaching of God’s Word. This is what we live for, so it simply thrills us.
Of course, we are willing to do the work — God’s calling on our lives is deeply embedded in our hearts. But fulfilling the assignment is not possible without partners who empower us to do it with their financial gifts and their prayers.
For this, we want to say THANK YOU for every gift you have given, are giving, and will give in the future. What we do is vitally connected to what you do, and we never forget what you are doing to support this ministry. As our partner in this work, you can be assured that we are using your gifts as wisely as we know how, and we are fervently praying for you on a daily basis.
Thank you for taking the extra time to read in last month’s letter about our recent opportunity to purchase a much-needed facility adjacent to our Moscow offices. This new building will expand our ministry effectiveness to those who are responding to the TV broadcasts in the former Soviet Union, the United States, and all over the world. We are grateful for those who have generously responded to this opportunity, but we still have a distance to go, and we cherish your prayers. Denise and I are so deeply touched and are grateful for your support of this additional step in God’s plan for RENNER MINISTRIES. Thank you!
This month, I want to talk to you about the effect that God’s miraculous power has on people’s lives!
It is sad that many people think Jesus’ miracle-working power is only a thing of the past because He is the same today as when He walked the earth some 2,000 years ago. Jesus hasn’t changed. He still wants to touch, heal, and restore people. That’s why I want to encourage you to make room in your life for Jesus to perform His miracle-working, life-changing ministry through you!
God has always used miracles to attract people to Jesus Christ. Many examples can be found in Scripture, but one I especially love is found in John 6:2. It says, “And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.”
May I take a few minutes to focus on this verse with you today?
Why was this massive multitude following Jesus? The verse tells us: “…because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.” The word “because” is the word hoti, and it points to the reason the crowds were following Jesus. It says they were following Him “…because they saw his miracles….”
Just as one would sit and watch a play from a seat in the theater, those crowds watched to see every miracle Jesus was performing. Like spectators in a theater who are mesmerized by an amazing show, they didn’t want to miss one “act” in this supernatural performance — so they followed Jesus to get a close-up look at the miracles that were constantly occurring in His ministry.
The verse goes on to say, “…They saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.” The word “miracles” comes from the Greek word semeion. In the Greek world, this word semeion signified the official written notice that announced the final verdict of a court; the signature or seal applied to documents to guarantee their authenticity; or a sign that marked key locations in a city.
Taking that into account, it means these miracles were the final verdict or proof that God was with Jesus. When those crowds saw the miracles, they knew those supernatural acts were God’s stamp of approval on Jesus’ ministry. These superhuman deeds were the guarantee that Jesus was anointed by God. The miracles Jesus performed were like signs that declared, “God is here! You are in the right place!” They were comparable to a signature or a seal that authenticated and guaranteed God was with Him. That’s why those followers didn’t want to be away from Jesus for a moment. They knew Jesus bore the stamp of God’s approval!
John 6:2 even gives us an idea of what kind of miracles primarily caught the attention of the crowds. It says, “And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.” The words “he did” come from the Greek word poieo, which often conveys the idea of creativity. The use of this Greek word implies that miracles of a creative nature were regularly occurring and that these miracles in particular were catching the attention of the crowds.
John recorded that Jesus was healing those who were “diseased.” The word “diseased” in Greek is astheneo, and it depicts people who are physically feeble due to some bodily condition. Their physical condition is so serious that it has rendered them unable to move about freely.
These were feeble, frail, broken people. But when Jesus walked the earth, He carried the anointing to heal the sick — and He regularly healed people who were feeble due to some bodily condition. The health of these people had deteriorated to the point they had become weak and frail — but once Jesus touched them, they were restored to health!
Taking all these words into consideration,
the RIV (Renner’s Interpretive Version) of John 6:2 reads:
A massive multitude continually followed Jesus because they were constantly seeing the mighty signs He was performing on those who were sick. Those whose health was so deteriorated that they were physically frail were recipients of these mighty deeds that authenticated the fact that God was with Jesus!
Those who followed Jesus during His ministry knew something wonderful was always happening because God was with Him. People’s lives were being changed; their health was being restored; and their purpose in life was being renewed. Jesus was the best thing that had ever happened to any person who came in contact with Him!
Jesus is still the best thing that has ever happened to any person who comes in contact with Him! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (see Hebrews 13:8). So if you have need of healing or a manifestation of miraculous power, go ahead and believe for a miracle to start working in your life! Just think of the profound effect a single miracle would have on your life — and in the lives of those in your circle of friends and the people you know.
And never forget that God may want to perform a miracle through you! As a believer, you are anointed to lay hands on the sick, and you have the right to expect to see those sick people get well. That’s God’s promise in Mark 16:18, so boldly claim it by faith and reach out to let His power operate through you to others!
Having witnessed many miracles in our own ministry, I want to encourage you to believe for miracles in your life and in the lives of those around you. When people see and experience the power of God, it makes them want to follow Jesus, just like the crowds who followed Him in John 6:2. Miracles are God’s way of shouting, “I am here, and I love you!”
It’s sad that many people think Jesus’ miracle-working power is only a thing of the past, because He is both able and willing to do now the same things He did when He walked on the earth 2,000 years ago. Jesus hasn’t changed. He wants to touch, heal, and restore people. That’s why I want to encourage you to make room in your life for Jesus to perform His miracle-working, life-changing ministry through you!
Whatever your particular need is today, Jesus has the power to touch it and change it. Whether it’s a need concerning your physical or emotional health and well-being, your finances, or your relationships — whatever your need — Jesus Christ’s power is present right now. If you don’t know how to lay hold of that power, call us at 1-800-742-5593, and our prayer team will lay hold with you so God’s miraculous power can be released to change everything!
Please pray for Denise and me too. We are pushing forward by faith to touch as many lives in Russia and around the world as possible. The Word of God has the power to change the lives of all who believe it. But they have to hear it in order to believe it (see Romans 10:14-17), so we are doing our part to take the Good News to them. For that to happen through this ministry the way God wants it to happen, we need a lot of prayer support!
Let us hear from you so we’ll know how to pray for you!
We really do love you and thank God for you!
We are your brother and sister, friends, and partners in Jesus Christ,
Rick and Denise Renner
along with Paul, Philip, and Joel and their families