And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead.…
— Ephesians 1:19,20
One day my wife Denise and I were talking to each other about the mighty power of God that works so profoundly in the lives of believers. As we talked back and forth, we were just in awe as we contemplated the power available to us as believers in Jesus Christ. We both looked at each other and quoted Ephesians 1:19,20 as the ultimate answer to what kind of power operates inside us. In that verse, the apostle Paul wrote, “And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead….”
Let’s look at the phrase “exceeding greatness of his power,” as these words were Paul’s answer to describe how great is the power of God that works in us.
*[If you started reading this from your email, begin reading here.]
The word “exceeding” is the Greek word huperballo, a compound of the words huper and ballo. The word huper describes something that is above and beyond anything else. The word ballo means to throw or to hurl. However, when these words are used in conjunction with each other, together they depict an archer who overshoots his goal. He put so much energy into it that when he pulls back on his bow and releases his arrow, he overshoots, overreaches, surpasses, and eclipses his goal.
The word “greatness” is the Greek word megethos, a form of mega, meaning great. However, as megethos, this word would be better translated vast. This means that the power Paul is describing is boundless, immense, limitless, measureless, and vast. One could say that it is so mighty that it is simply beyond human ability to measure.
The word “power” is from the well-known Greek word dunamis, which describes power or ability. But very often in Classical Greek and in the Old Testament Septuagint, the word dunamis was also used to depict the assembled forces of an army whose combined strength enabled them to achieve unrivaled victories. These troops were so strong that they simply could not be resisted. But in addition, we find in Classical Greek and in the Septuagint that the word dunamis can also describe the power that is inherent in a certain aspect of nature. For example, the power in a hurricane would be described as dunamis power, because it is a power so mighty that it is impossible to resist or impossible to defeat.
So when Paul used these three words to describe the power of God that works in us — huperballo, megethos, dunamis — he was piling image on top of image to show how overshooting and irresistible is the power that works in us who believe. This power is so mighty it can neither be measured nor resisted. There is simply no human power in existence to compare to it!
The apostle Paul went on to say that it is the same “…mighty power, which he [God] wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead….” Paul was making it emphatically clear that no power has ever equaled or rivaled the power that was required for Christ’s resurrection. It was the greatest manifestation of power that the universe has ever witnessed. It literally seized Jesus from death’s grip, raised Him back into His body, and then continued to lift Him up through demonic principalities, powers, might, and dominion until He was seated at His throne at the right hand of the Father. No power in hell or on earth, and no principality or power in the heavens, was able to resist this demonstration of divine energy.
As Denise and I discussed this verse and all that it means, we felt an even greater sense of awe. What a thrill to realize that God doesn’t just put a small dose of power inside us who believe. He has placed the power of His Son’s resurrection in us! It is a power that utterly eclipses any other power. It is full, boundless, measureless energy — so mighty that no evil power can resist it. And to think God has made it available to those who believe! Now that is something for you to think about as you prepare for this Easter season!
Heavenly Father, You held nothing back when You exercised Your mighty power in raising Christ from the dead. I am in awe that You not only raised me from death unto life by that same power, but You have also breathed that mighty power into me by the same Spirit who raised Christ. Holy Spirit, I acknowledge the presence of Your power within me. And I ask You to conform me more and more unto the image of Christ as I let that irresistible power of God work in me and through me according to the counsel of Your will!
I pray this in Jesus’ name!
I confess that the mighty power of God that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me. That power, which is at work in me, is beyond measure. It is vast, boundless, immense, limitless, and measureless! The power that is in me now by the presence of the Holy Spirit eclipses all other power and cannot be resisted by any work of the enemy. Glory to God! Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!
I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!
- Use your imagination to describe what it would have been like to experience the power at Christ’s physical resurrection.
- Have you ever considered that this same mighty power is resident inside you? If it’s inside you, do you experience it in the situations you face every day? If not, what do you need to do to release God’s resurrection power in your life?
- How is the power of God manifested in the life of a believer? Take some time to think it over, and write your answers on a piece of paper so that you really ponder your answers.