Dear Friends,

It has always been our vision to get the Word of God into people’s lives through whatever means available. We began by preaching meetings all over the United States and then, beginning in 1991, we moved with our family to take the Gospel to the former USSR and beyond.

In Moscow, we labor to take the Good News to our “nearby world” through many outreaches in this city of millions — including feeding the homeless, ministering in addiction rehabilitation centers, supporting a local ministry that houses and cares for abandoned children in a family setting, and providing weekly services to hundreds of senior citizens — winning them to Christ in the sunset years of their lives and helping to meet their basic needs.

Beyond Moscow, Denise and I have held public meetings all over the world in which we’ve brought the sound teaching of the Bible to those hungry to receive it. Our travels have taken us to the vast territory of Russia and to nearly all the former Soviet Republics, as well as to a long list of nearly 100 countries.

But by far, the biggest way we’re taking the Gospel to “the ends of the earth” is through mass media. Our TV ministry and various other media enable us to bring trusted teaching to millions of Russian and English-speakers via TV, satellite, and Internet media. We film up to seven programs per day that air daily around the world. In order to keep up with what the Lord has asked us to do, we have expanded our capacity in Moscow by building a new TV studio. And because of the faithful, generous giving of our “giving team,” we are well on our way to completing this project! Denise and I are so grateful for every friend and partner who has sown financially to make this new studio a reality.

We know you, like Denise and I and our family, take the responsibility of the Great Commission very seriously. There is no doubt the time is short, and it is the strong desire of all of us to see as many people saved, healed, and matured in Christ as possible! Your part in the fruit that’s being reaped as we take the Gospel to the ends of the earth via television is eternally significant.

I’ve included some photos in the header this month of our progress on the new TV studio in Moscow because I knew you’d want to see it. It’s your progress too! As always, I invite you to call us for prayer at 1-800-742-5593, or go online at, so we can add our faith to yours for the answers you seek!

Your friends,

Rick and Denise Renner
along with Paul, Philip, and Joel and their families