Dear Friends,

Greetings in Jesus’ wonderful name! Oh, how I love that name and thank God for His precious blood that changed my life. I know you feel the same!

I want to remind you that soon we will be releasing my new book Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters, and the World Before the Flood. Not only is this book filled with insights, it’s loaded with more than 300 various graphs, illustrations, and art to illustrate every point. I really believe you will DEVOUR this book. I can just hear you saying, “Wow… Amazing… I never knew that!”

Our long-time friend Joni Lamb said: “In Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters, and the World Before the Flood, my good friend Rick Renner presents a compelling and refreshing perspective on the story of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood. Through his thorough research, captivating storytelling, and biblical teaching, he brings to light evidence that supports the inerrancy and eternal truth of the Bible. This book not only sheds new light on biblical events, but also offers insightful connections to our current world and our role as Christians in it. I am grateful to Rick for sharing his unique insights and reminding us of the relevance of God’s Word in our ever-changing world.”

*[If you started reading this from your email, begin reading here.]

bookmark2My dear friend Bob Yandian said: “It is my pleasure to endorse the newest book from my friend and ministry companion Rick Renner. Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters, and the World Before the Flood compares the times we’re living in and moving into to the days of the flood of Noah. This is different from any book Rick has written, and he has written many. The strange discoveries and events we are witnessing today are not as new as we may think. Scientists, archaeologists, and the military are discovering objects in the skies and bones of animals in the earth that we have always thought were myths or science fiction. Are they? Or are they only telling us of the world at the time of Noah and why God had to destroy it? What was seen in Noah’s day are instructions for believers today as we move into the closing moments of the Church age before the unveiling of God’s judgment on a Christ-rejecting world. In this book, Rick does a marvelous job of explaining a difficult subject.”

There are many other endorsements in this book, and each of them has blessed my heart. If you have not ordered your copy yet, please go to to receive a special pre-release discount. I am absolutely sure this is a book you will not only read, but you will want to share with others. And that is why for a limited time, we are making it possible to purchase multiple copies (six or more) at an even greater discount.

We are able to do everything we do — whether we are holding physical meetings around the world, establishing churches, making programs for media, writing books, or providing lavish care for our partners — because of partners LIKE YOU who regularly give to this ministry. Honestly, there is not a day that passes in which I do not stop to pray for you.

This is what Paul felt about the Philippians who were partners with his ministry:

Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace.

— Philippians 1:7

Likewise, our partners are in OUR HEARTS — for you are helping us with “the defense and confirmation of the Gospel.” You are truly partakers of our grace. For this, I thank God, and I thank you. I realize giving is a choice, and I am grateful that you regularly make the eternal choice to invest in bringing the trusted teaching of God’s Word to people around the world. You mean so much to me, Denise, our family, our team, and the people who are reaping the wonderful eternal consequences of your giving.

Today I want to talk to you about the words Jesus spoke to His disciples about the end times in Matthew 24. He was answering their questions about what specifically would take place toward the end of the age, before the Rapture and His Second Coming (which will be two separate events). Jesus’ entire discourse of events that will occur at the end of the age can be found in Matthew 24:3-41. I encourage you to read the entire passage.

But I want to focus on one statement Jesus made to His disciples in verse 37 — a verse that was recorded for us, the Church, today.

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  

—Matthew 24:37                                                                         

Jesus gave us a special glimpse into our future, so before we begin, I want to explain to you why He did this. Jesus shared these words with us so that we would be forewarned and forearmed to face a morally declining society. But the glorious news is that for those of us who have made Jesus the Savior and Lord of our life, all these disturbing parallels between the world before the Flood and our world today are simply an indication that Jesus is coming soon. So don’t live in fear; lift up your head, for your redemption draweth nigh! (see Luke 21:28.)

According to Jesus, whatever was happening before the Flood will be replicated in the world at the end of the age. Since we’re living in the end of the age, we need to know what that is. So I compiled a list of six pre-Flood events that are already being replicated in our time.

In last month’s letter, I covered the first two events that occurred before the Flood and are being repeated today: 1) an unprecedented population explosion, and 2) gross sexual perversion. You don’t have to be a scholar to see these things are accelerating all around us.

In this month’s letter, I want to show you two more events that happened before the Flood that Jesus warned would be replicated at the end of the age.

#3: Increased Demonic Activity
(Genesis 6:2)

 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

In addition to revealing gross sexual perversion as the fallen angels comingled with women, the evil that ensued shows us that in the time before the Flood, there was an increase in demonic activity, which included humans inclusively worshiping a pantheon of various gods and interfacing with evil spirits on a wide scale. As fallen angels were entering the earth’s atmosphere and interacting with mankind, the pre-Flood population was introduced to many forms of religion and became absorbed in dark activities that became widespread in society.

Again, Jesus said, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37). There was an increase in demonic activity before the Flood in the days of Noah, and Jesus said it would happen again at the end of the age.

Therefore, we must ask:
Is the world today experiencing increased demonic activity
as it occurred in the days before the Flood?

In the world before the Flood, the word “inclusion” would have perfectly described the way people were welcoming and embracing a vast array of beliefs. Likewise, in our own time, society is returning to an inclusive and pluralistic mindset, which is deeply indicative of a past system of paganism. By definition, “paganism” is idolatry or heathenism; the worship of false gods or idols; and the rejection of Christianity and of Christ as THE way to God, who is Lord over all.

There are several examples to demonstrate how today’s culture, and even many in the Church, are now departing from timeless truth to become more “inclusive” of beliefs and behaviors that are clearly against the teaching of Scripture. Indeed, seducing spirits of deception are bombarding the moral framework of society to modify it by using media, education, government, and other societal institutions.

Rather than stay with the scriptural truths that are foundational to a godly society, the culture today is adapting to a new mindset in the name of tolerance and open-mindedness. In an accelerated fashion, modern society is doing away with the Word of God — His unalterable will — in order to create a world free of the Bible’s authoritative voice.

Unfortunately, many believers are in this number, gravitating toward more pluralistic, inclusive positions. In fact, the trend toward such thinking is increasing so rapidly among young people in churches that many are wavering on the very basic tenets of the Christian faith. Foundational beliefs — such as the virgin birth, the sinlessness of Christ, the need to repent, the reality of Satan, and the existence of a literal Heaven and hell — are all beliefs that are often “up for grabs” with the younger generation, especially those who have been affected by godless voices and influences in several of our universities.

Recent statistical analyses also show that the belief in absolute truth has already declined to such a point that younger generations generally see no need to witness to and convert to Christ those of a different faith. Instead of sharing the life-saving message of the Gospel, many young people find ways to rationalize their decision to remain silent, thinking things such as:

  • If what they believe is working for them, why should I bother sharing my beliefs?
  • Who’s to say that Christians are right and they are wrong?
  • Isn’t it possible that there are alternative ways to God and that Christianity is just our particular way of believing in Him?

This seductive trend toward inclusivism (which is simply paganism with a modern twist) is growing so rapidly that many believers are now hesitant to publicly affirm what they believe for fear of the backlash of being labeled as intolerant. Those who remain faithful to the standards of God’s Word must be prepared to be ostracized as members of a fringe group of non-conforming outcasts. Although we love everyone, if we adhere to the teaching of the Bible, we will not condone others’ immoral life choices, and we must face that our being labeled as “hateful” and “bigoted” as a result is a near certainty.

If today’s Church and its leadership don’t stand up for the faith — regardless of the price required to proclaim it in its purest form — it will only be a matter of time until Christianity is reduced to nothing more than another lifeless religion or philosophy among a cast of many others.

The onslaught of pagan-minded inclusiveness and demonic activity in the world today, which is coming from every direction in sophisticated ways, is unprecedented in human history — except for in the time frame that preceded the Flood.

When we compare the events and state of the world before the Flood with those of the world today, it is plain to see we are living in the very last days. But Jesus said He would be with us until the end of the age (see Matthew 28:20 NIV), so as Christians, we have nothing to fear. God is not in the business of scaring us. He wants to alert us of these events so we can safeguard ourselves and those we love. If we know this is going to happen, we must be diligent to fill our hearts, minds, and eyes with the Word of God — and influence our young ones in such a way that they will not allow this evil to ever become a part of their lives.

I want to remind you that if you have family or friends who have already been influenced by the “tolerant” and “open-minded” culture of today’s society, God’s power can turn it around. It is not too late for those who are close to your heart. If you want us to pray with you, please reach out to us, and we’ll release a torrent of prayer for God to touch that person you love.

#4: Transhumanism
(Genesis 6:4)

The word “transhumanism” may be new to you, but it’s a word you need to understand because this is another pre-Flood evil that in many ways is being repeated today.

Genesis 6:4 says, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

This verse specifically shows us that certain angels insanely rebelled against God’s authority and descended into the earth’s atmosphere to cohabit with women. And from these unnatural sexual unions, hybrid creatures — something beyond human — were produced. Some ancient pagan religions referred to these half-angel, half-human entities as demigods. (You can find a more detailed explanation of this occurrence in my new book Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters, and the World Before the Flood.)

Again, Jesus said, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37).

Therefore, we must ask:
Is the world today experiencing a form of transhumanism
as it occurred in the days before the Flood?

Today the emergence of a new kind of human and a new type of animal is becoming an unthinkable reality because of genetic engineering and the ramped-up efforts of transhumanists. For the first time in human history, we have the ability to combine the DNA of more than two people, insert it into a human embryo, and create a child. Likewise, we have the capability to combine human DNA with animal DNA to unthinkably create human-animal hybrids.

The fact is, human-animal hybrids are being grown in laboratories right now all over the world and have been for many years. Scientists have developed pigs with human blood, mice growing human ears, and sheep growing human hearts.

 In fact, multiple types of human organs are being grown in pigs and sheep to be harvested and implanted in human patients who need them. The mixing of human seed and animal seed is happening right now and is one type of hybridization transhumanists are working to develop.

In simplest terms, “transhuman” means beyond human, which is what transhumanists today are vigorously working to achieve. Producing a new kind of human being that is over and beyond what any human has ever been before is their very forthright goal and intention.

The foundational belief of transhumanism is that human beings are weak and poor, both physically and morally. Therefore, to improve the human experience — which includes overcoming aging, disability, disease, and mental limitations — there must be a convergence between humans and technology to create transhumans that will be stronger and have greater abilities.

The drive of transhumanists to see humans and technology merged has already been achieved in some respects. For example, after interfacing with computers and other forms of technology, some disabled people have regained certain physical features and functions that were once lost, which is a positive development. But that is not the endgame; it is only the beginning.

In addition to the ongoing efforts to merge man and machine, scientists in various nations around the world are also avidly experimenting with splicing human DNA with animal DNA to create superhuman beings. The result of this would be a new species of human-animal hybrid having cells and genetic materials of both humans and animals. This veers from God’s design and will lead to monstrous developments if it is successful.

Even more disturbing is the statement made by one highly influential, high-profile transhumanist who said, “We don’t need to wait for Jesus Christ to come back to Earth in order to overcome death. A couple of geeks in the laboratory can do it.” The ultimate ambition behind the transhumanist movement seems much darker than most people realize. In their own words, they believe they have the technological capabilities to become like gods.

Sound familiar? Thinking we can become like God is the same deceptive and depraved lie the serpent sold to Eve in the Garden of Eden — the same temptation she and Adam gave in to that brought death and destruction into the human race and the world (see Genesis 3). There is only one God, and we are not Him!

As a Bible teacher, author, and pastor, Jimmy Evans so powerfully put it: “The human seed is sacred and creates humans made in God’s image. Man has no right to manipulate or try to improve on what God has done. I’m not talking about good people using medical technology to help people or cure them. I’m talking about arrogant men taking the place of God and trying to improve and immortalize ourselves, so we become our own gods…. What God has done cannot be improved upon, and we should leave the human seed alone except for helping people.”

Altogether, the current level of genetic tampering with God’s design for human beings and animals is unprecedented in human history — except for in the time frame that preceded the Flood. But remember, God is not in the business of scaring us — rather, His intention is to prepare us for what lies ahead. I keep coming back to this statement because it is easy to allow fear into our mind if we don’t choose to see things through the lens of the Bible and remind ourselves that fear does not come from God (see 2 Timothy 1:7). He warns us so we can safeguard ourselves and those we love.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have family or friends who are drifting in a wrong direction; it’s not too late for them. Our team is standing by, ready to pray in faith on behalf of your lost loved ones.

But it’s time for me to wrap up today’s letter before it becomes a book!

In next month’s letter, I will share the final two points on this list of pre-Flood events that are being replicated in our time. For example, I will explain how there was continuous evil in the heart of man, and how evil is proliferating at an accelerated pace today. I will also explain how there was widespread violence before the Flood, and how we are seeing a replication of it now as violence is spinning out of control on nearly every front. What Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:37 about pre-Flood events being repeated before His return is becoming clearer every day.

Thanks for taking the time to read my letter. Be sure to look for the next one in September!

As always, before I close, I want to remind you that if you have a prayer request of any kind — and you would like us to agree with you for that need to be met — give us a call or send us an email. I really believe Jeremiah 33:3, which promises that God will hear you, answer you, and do something mighty and spectacular for you. If you’d like us to pray with you, it would be our honor. Simply call us at 1-800-742-5593 or send an email to

Denise and I, our family, and our team love you and thank God for you!

We are your brother and sister, friends, and partners in Jesus Christ,

Rick and Denise Renner
along with Paul, Philip, and Joel Renner and our entire ministry team

P.S. Click here to view the new interactive Ministry Update page or click here to download the printable pdf flyer.