It’s Time for You to Crave the Bread of Life!
We should continually assess how we’re honoring or dishonoring the Word of God by considering the space we make for the Word in our lives, the amount of time we spend daily in the Word, and how well we obey what the Word says. All these are signs that can reveal the type of relationship we have with Jesus.
Jesus was the Word of God made flesh among us. When we love God’s Word and allow its truth to abide within us, we become fully consumed with Christ Himself. In John 14:15, Jesus says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” In other words, how much we love Him is shown by how much we respond to His Word. It’s impossible to separate the Word of God from Jesus, for He is the Word made flesh. How you treat the Bible reflects your level of intimacy with Him. If you neglect the Bible because you don’t think you have time for it, you are unintentionally ignoring your relationship with Jesus.
Think about this: Jesus was conceived by the Spirit in Mary’s womb as she received the Word of God into her heart (see Luke 1:38). Jesus was the living Word made manifest (see John 1:14). He launches His ministry with the Word of God (see Luke 4:16). As you read the four gospels — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — it’s clear that everywhere Jesus went, He spoke the Word of God with power and authority. It flowed from Him because He was the Word of God!
The apostles ministered side by side with Jesus for three years and watched how He ministered the Word of God. As Jesus’ disciples, the apostles learned to replicate what He did. And when the New Testament Church began in the book of Acts, they continued to do exactly what they saw Jesus do throughout His earthly ministry. He was their example.
Because Jesus focused on the Word of God and yielded miraculous results, the apostles also went out — preaching and teaching the Word of God — and they experienced the same miraculous results. Jesus dedicated Himself fully to the Word and to delivering it to others, and the apostles did the same as the Early Church was being established. Acts 2:42 tells us:
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
The word “stedfastly” means to preserve consistently. It carries the idea of very intense focus and hard work. This tells us that when early believers came together, they set their hearts to listen and learn from the apostles as the Word of God was taught to them. They wanted the Word to ignite their hearts and souls. This word “stedfastly” also pictures constant diligence and effort that never gives up. It carries such a strong meaning that it signifies that those early believers were addicted to the apostle’s teaching. They were so enthralled and ignited by it that they gathered to hear and receive their teaching every single day.
When we hear the word “addiction,” we usually think of that word in a negative context. But consider the fuller meaning of the word “addiction” for a moment. If a person is addicted to drugs, he can’t get by without the substance. If an addict goes without that substance for a certain period of time, he feels its absence and can even get sick. A serious addict can’t live without the substance of his addiction.
With this in mind, when we read that those early believers were addicted to the apostles’ teachings, it means they literally craved it. They were addicted to the apostles’ teaching of God’s Word and to the transformative effects of that teaching in their lives. It nourished them, healed them, and empowered them. Their lives were radically changed as the Word was poured into them. They became so addicted to the powerful exposition of God’s Word that they gathered every day to receive a daily dose of the Scripture.
This is the kind of passion God wants us to have for the Bible in our lives! If we treat the Bible with the same degree of zeal and fervor as those early believers, then we will truly be partakers of the Bread of Life — of Christ Jesus Himself and experience the same dynamic, supernatural life as they did.
I want to remind you of the words of A.B. Simpson, “The religion of the Bible is wholly supernatural.” In other words, if you want the supernatural power of God to be a part of your life, the Bible must be central. For wherever the Word is authoritatively proclaimed, embraced, believed, and acted upon — the power of God is released!
God wants us to be hungry and passionate for His Word. It holds such depths of revelation truth that you and I have yet to experience, and this voice is beckoning us to come deeper into its waters.