Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!
Just as I was getting ready to write you this letter, suddenly I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart about what to expect in the year 2023. I heard the Holy Spirit tell me, The year 2023 will be filled with divine surprises, divine provision, and divine revelation for those who will receive it.
So…in response to what I heard from the Lord just minutes ago, I want to speak to you today about the divine surprises, divine provision, and divine revelation that God wants to impart to our lives in 2023, but in this letter, I will especially focus on the various types of divine revelation that God wants to give you this year. However, before I plunge into this wonderful subject, I first want to say thank you!
THANK YOU for all the ways you stood by our ministry in 2022. I truly believe God has graced our ministry with some of the most wonderful ministry partners in the world, and Denise and I want you to know how much we appreciate you and love you.
- Due to the grace of God — coupled with your precious giving to our ministry — we were able to press forward in taking the Word of God to more people than ever before.
- We were enabled to provide tons and tons of relief to displaced people in our part of the world.
- We were able to stay on schedule with the building of our new TV studio in Moscow.
- We were able to move into our new building in the Tulsa area, from which we are touching people all over the world and receiving calls and letters from thousands of people who regularly reach out to us for help and prayer.
- But most important, we were able to continue sending “teaching you can trust” to the farthest ends of the earth — that is, to spiritually famished people who are crying out for answers from God’s Word.
For your part in this, Denise and I, our family, and our ministry team say THANK YOU!
As we move forward into this wonderful new year, we want you to really understand that your partnership with our ministry is vital for us to fulfill the assignment Jesus has entrusted to us. So again, thank you for all you have done, and thank you for all you will do. You are truly a God-called partner, and we are so thankful for you.
I also want to let you know that I’ve just released my new book Apostles and Prophets! This insightful and timely book is filled with vital information that is needed for the Church today — especially in these last days. Please be sure to take a look at the enclosed flyer for more details on how you can purchase Apostles and Prophets for your personal library.
Now let me get to what is on my heart to share with you today.
The Holy Spirit just spoke to me and said that He would give divine surprises, divine provision, and divine revelation to those who will receive it in 2023, so I want to encourage you to throw open your heart to receive what God wants to give TO YOU in this new year!
- Could you use a few divine surprises this year to bring more joy into your life?
- Could you use divine provision so you can financially do what you need to do?
- Could you use divine revelation to help provide the answers that you’ve been seeking?
Well, today I want to focus on that third point — divine revelation — and then next month, I’ll be writing to you about divine surprises and how to access them by faith!
In First Corinthians 2:9, Paul described the frustration that so many people feel when they can’t seem to see or comprehend what they really need to know. And then in verses 10 and 12, he went on to give us God’s miraculous answer to this dilemma. In these verses, Paul said: “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God…Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”
The dilemma is defined in verse 9 where Paul wrote, “…Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” According to this verse, man by himself simply does not have the ability to see, hear, or comprehend the things that God has prepared for him.
But in verse 10, Paul went on to say that God sent the Holy Spirit to enable us to see and to know all those things that we once found so difficult to see and know. This means the Holy Spirit has all the answers, and the Holy Spirit is the major key in how we receive divine revelation!
First Corinthians 2:10 specifically says, “But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.”
So what has the Holy Spirit come to reveal to us? Everything that we once couldn’t see, hear, or know. What once seemed to be unknowable mysteries should no longer be concealed to us, because verse 10 says that “God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit.”
The word “revealed” is the Greek word apokalupto, and it is a compound of the preposition apo and the word kalupto. The preposition apo means away, as in to remove something, while the word kalupto describes a covering or veil that obstructs one’s view.
Let’s use the example of curtains on a window to make the point.
When curtains are drawn shut, it isn’t possible to see through the window and enjoy what’s waiting for you on the other side. On the other side of the curtains is something wonderful for you to see, but because the curtains are blocking your view, you can’t see or enjoy it. However, if someone pulls the curtains apart, then you’ll suddenly be able to see what has been there all along. You’ll instantly see it — and instantly seeing it is what the Bible calls a revelation.
There are many things God wants to reveal to you, but you’ve been unable to see them on your own. The Holy Spirit comes on the scene to supernaturally pull your mental curtains apart — to remove whatever has obstructed your view. And when He does that, you will suddenly and clearly see what you couldn’t see before. In that moment, you will have a divine revelation!
Paul continued in verse 10, saying, “…the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.” The word “searcheth” is a translation of the Greek word ereuna, which depicts a deep and scholarly investigation. This tells us that when the Holy Spirit comes to reveal things to us, He begins by doing His homework. He digs deep to find all the answers that we are seeking.
This verse says that the Holy Spirit searches the “deep things.” The Greek words used here describe the deepest depths of the sea. The usage of these particular words means that when the Holy Spirit begins His investigative work to find the answers your heart is crying out to know, His searching is not superficial, but rather, He dives to the depths to find exactly what you need to know. When He has gathered all those needed answers, that’s when the Holy Spirit begins to pull the curtains apart and out of the way so that He can reveal to you the answers you need!
Verse 12 emphatically states that the Holy Spirit is sent by God to remove our blinders so we can see and know what we need to see and know! It says, “Now we have received…the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God” (1 Corinthians 2:12).
The word “know” in the original Greek means to know, or even better, it means to know like an expert. This means that after the Holy Spirit has plunged to the depths to find the answers you need to know, He begins the process of pulling the curtains out of the way so you can clearly see the answer — and the answer He gives you will not be blurry. You’ll discover that what He reveals to you is so complete that you’ll see and know the answers like an expert!
So if you’ve been frustrated because you don’t have the answers you need about…
- Your family
- Your marriage
- Your brothers and sisters
- Your friendships
- Your church
- Your job or profession
- Your health
- Your money
- Your bills
- Your investments
- Or anything else
…Then it’s time for you to invite the greatest private detective and investigator in the world to go to work for you. Yes, I’m talking about the Holy Spirit. After He does His work, you’ll discover the answers you need. The answers, that for whatever reason you’ve been unable to see up to this point, will suddenly come into view.
If you’ll invite the Holy Spirit to help, after He obtains all the answers you are seeking, He’ll then begin removing all your mental limitations so you can finally SEE and KNOW what you need to see and know. The Holy Spirit will pull the curtains apart — and when He does, in an instant, you’ll have a divine revelation that clears everything up for you!
First Corinthians 2:12 clearly states that the Holy Spirit has been sent “…that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.” That means God has it all ready and waiting for you. Now you need to ask the Holy Spirit to do His revelatory work so you can see it and receive it!
That, my friend, is a big part of the Holy Spirit’s ministry to you!
Next month, I will pick up right here with the word the Holy Spirit gave me for you concerning 2023 — and I’ll be writing to you about the different kinds of divine surprises that God wants to surprise you with this year.
But for now, I want to remind you that we are here to pray with you for anything that is on your heart. If you want us to agree with you for a divine revelation, for divine provision, or for God’s power to show up in any area where you are concerned, just contact us to let us know how we can pray for you. Based on the promise of Jeremiah 33:3, we will call out to God in faith, believing He will hear us, He will answer us, and He will show you great and mighty things. So please reach out to us, and we’ll pray in faith with a full expectation for mighty things to take place for you!
I can hardly wait to write to you again next month. But until then, please also pray for us. We thank you for your faithful partnership in the Lord and in the work of this ministry!
We are your brother and sister, friends, and partners in Jesus Christ,
Rick and Denise Renner
Along with Paul, Philip, and Joel Renner and our ministry team