Q:  What do I do when the fear of death haunts me? How do I free myself from that fear?

AIt is important to realize that for Christians, fear is never from God. Our assurance and comfort come from what is written in the Bible.

When Jesus died and went to hell for us and conquered death, not only did He conquer death for Himself, He also conquered it for you and me! Jesus removed the sting of death and for the Christian, death is like moving to a new address.

The Bible says that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we have a deposit of Heaven on the inside of us right now! Christ in YOU, the hope of glory!

Overcoming fear is not about what we can figure out in our brain; it is about what God has given us through His Word and believing that His Word is true. We are given the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are born again, when you breathe your last breath, your body will just lay there; but the real you, your spirit, will go straight to Heaven! The Bible says, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

It is so important to get scriptures into your heart and mind. Fear wants to hold you in a place of believing a lie. What defeats the lie is believing the Truth.

All who are joined to the Lord through the new birth are one in spirit! Your body is a tabernacle, a house. This flesh is your house, but the real you is your spirit and will live forever and ever with Jesus! You are not your own, you were bought with a price.

First Corinthians 6:20 says, “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” Your body is a house for the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit lives in your human spirit!

I hope that you are encouraged by this answer because I remember a time when I was a little bit afraid of death. I understand what you are feeling. But once I learned what the Bible teaches us about death, that fear completely left! The Bible says His people perish for lack of knowledge. It is so important for us to know what the Bible teaches or we will begin believing the lies of the devil.

If you will take hold of this truth, the spirit of fear will have no place in your life!