Q: What qualities are important for a wife to develop, whose husband leads a church and large ministry?

AWe’re going to get some counsel from the word of God!

History says that Bathsheba, who was the queen, David’s wife, was who wrote Proverbs 31! This was her advice to Solomon on who he should choose as a wife. 

So we can find a lot of wisdom here. So, we’re going to start with verse 11. It says “The heart of her husband safely trusts her so he will have no lack of gain and she does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” 

This woman in a high position, to do this, she’s got to have some inner decisions about her character. She has to decide to forgive. If you’re good to someone all the days of your life, especially your husband. 

It takes forgiveness to be good to your husband all the days of your life. The Bible says we’re all tempted the same way. It’s easy to get tempted to fear, get angry, judge, criticize, hate, be intimidated, discouraged, disappointed. So in that way, I want to say, whether you’re in a position where your husband has a big ministry or you’re serving your children or your family at home and nobody sees you. We’re all tempted the same way and we’re going to have to make decisions to forgive and do good all the days of our life. 

I think we’re all tempted to complain at times. So, the opposite of complaining is being thankful. Then I want to go over one more thing, let’s go to verse 25. It says “Strength and honor are her clothing and she will rejoice in times to come.” This woman who is in a high position and her husband as well, it was important to her to have this character. 

No matter who you are, your husband needs your positive attitude. He needs your support and positive attitude! Another thing that is important is “She opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness.” 

No matter what your husband does as you said, whether he’s a leader or not. You still have to discipline your own mouth. And learn to put the law of kindness in your mouth. That’s important for everybody. And I think it’s going to require a lot of prayer. It’s important to God. He will lead you and guide you.