Q: 2 Timothy 3:16 says: All scripture is written by inspiration of God and useful for teaching for reproof for instruction in righteousness. Pastor Denise, please explain how all the verses can be useful to everyone equally for instruction? After all, everyone’s situation is different and how do you practically benefit personally by studying it?

AThe Bible was written for everyone because the Bible says, about itself, it’s a lamp unto our feet. 

I know that, most every time I go to bed, my husband is already in bed, he goes to bed really early. So I come in with my cellphone, not with the flashlight, but just touching it so it brings light. And I shine that light on the floor because I don’t want to wake him but I can see a little. 

But the Bible is a light unto your path! It has answers for every one of us. Romans 12:2 says, “and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable in the perfect will of God.” So you see, for us, the temptation is to be like everyone else in this world. Think like the world, be in unforgiveness and bitterness and fear.

But the Bible says, we’re not to be conformed to this world. We’re not to think like this world. There’s a higher way of thinking. It’s God’s word. Listen to this scripture! Be transformed by  the renewing of your mind. So when we read His word, we are renewing our mind to the truth. 

Years ago I would feel this condemnation all the time. I knew I was christian but I just felt like if I wasn’t doing every single thing right, that God still loves me, but I wasn’t sure if He accepted me. 

But that’s just like religion. That we’re trying to make ourselves acceptable. That’s what the world thinks. 

But Christianity is that he came for us in our horrible sinful state. It’s not about us trying to get to him, he’s already come to us. But we have to open our hearts. 

But how are you going to know that, how was I going to get free of this wrong thinking? It was the word of God! It changed me! This one verse changed me, Romans 3:26 “ to demonstrate at this present time his righteousness, that he might be just, and the justifier of him who believes on Jesus.” 

You see, I believe on Jesus but I didn’t know I was righteous. Through the blood of Jesus God already made me acceptable. But I didn’t know that and it was through the love of God that we read in Romans chapter twelve that transforms our mind to think like God.

 So your question is how to practically benefit personally by studying the Bible. You’re going to know the good and acceptable and perfect will of God!