Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 139:4; Matthew 10:30; 1 John 2:27, 28
Do you want to experience more of the Holy Spirit’s presence? Most of us desire to experience a greater measure of His presence, yet we haven’t always reached our expectations.
Isn’t it true that the more we eat something we really enjoy eating, the more we want of that taste? The same is true of our hunger for God and His manifested presence in our lives. The more time we spend with Him, the more time we desire to spend in His presence.
Not long ago, I held a series of meetings while I was in the United States. The meetings were good, and I was grateful for God’s presence and the anointing to minister in those meetings. But something within me was just not completely satisfied.
I believe the dissatisfaction I felt was from the Holy Spirit. He wasn’t satisfied, either! My feelings caused me to have a new hunger to pursue a greater depth of fellowship in His presence. It also spurred me on to take more time to really hear His voice.
Have you ever felt that way?
As a result of my inner dissatisfaction, I began getting up earlier each day to seek God and just to sit in His presence. (I had to get up early because early mornings were the only time our house was quiet.) As I sought Him during those quiet times, I began to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice afresh and anew.
As I spent extra time waiting before the Lord, the first thing I learned was that our spirit, where the Holy Spirit lives, is filled with peace. I didn’t say our mind or emotions are always filled with peace ¾ but our recreated spirits are filled with God’s peace. It’s up to us to yield to the divine peace that abides in our heart. Subscribe to Denise’s 28-Day Journey Email Devotionals! When I first began to listen with renewed fervency to what the Holy Spirit was saying, the first thing I heard from Him was this simple statement: “I am not upset about anything — NOTHING upsets Me.” (If you were to get very quiet and push all the busyness of life aside, you would come to understand the same thing about the Holy Spirit.)
Just hearing those words alone can make your shoulders relax and bring a great sense of calmness and well-being to your life. After all, if God is not upset, why should you be? He completely understands everything about you. He knows what you’re going to say even before you say it! He also knows exactly how many hairs are on your head. So you can be one-hundred percent certain that He already knows about your financial situation, your marriage, your children, your body, and your every weakness and need.
The fact that God knows us so well and that He’s for us and not against us is a powerful reason for us to rejoice in hope!
Since the Holy Spirit already knows you perfectly and lives inside you as your Teacher, you don’t need to walk around depressed, fearful, and uninformed. He is right there with you to teach, guide, and comfort you. The Holy Spirit wants you and me not only to have our questions answered, but also to know Him! So let’s make the time to quiet our hearts and listen until we hear His voice in our hearts.
It’s a growing relationship with the Holy Spirit that we seek as we learn to listen for and hear His still, small voice. And we don’t just want to hear — we also desire sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit that will bless and change us as we abide in His presence.
First John 2:28 says, “…Little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” Do you need confidence? Confidence comes from abiding in the presence of God.
I want to encourage you to make more time to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. If you have to get up earlier in the morning to do it, I promise you that whatever sleep you lose will be gained back in strength and joy throughout your day. You will never be sorry for spending time with God!
Thank you for spending this time with me. We’re praying with you for God’s plans and purposes to be manifested in your life so you can be an even bigger blessing to even more people! Please let us know your specific prayer requests, and we will faithfully pray for you!
In His great love,
Denise Renner