Q: How do I hear God’s voice? When thoughts, desires, and ideas arise within me to do something, how do I know if it’s God’s will and direction, or if it’s just my own?

A: Thank you for this question! Many people have this question. You can even spend your whole life dedicated to the Lord and still have this question. But Jesus gave us a beautiful promise in John 9:27:

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

Read that again: “My sheep hear my voice.” That is such a promise! Many years ago, before I married my husband, I was in a situation where I didn’t know what to do. My job had ended in one city, and I didn’t know whether I should stay in that city or move to another one. I thought, “What am I supposed to do?” I didn’t have anyone directing me, so this is what I did instead: for one week, I repeated this verse over and over again. I said, “I am His sheep, and I know His voice.”

I don’t know exactly how many times I said John 10:27 during that week. You see, the Word of God brings light — it lets you see things you can’t normally see. In the middle of the night one night, I was seeking the Lord about some questions, and I was studying His Word. I meditated on the Word, but I didn’t feel like I was getting any answers while I was meditating. But the Word gives light.

After I quit reading the Word and started praying, God started to bring me answer after answer. He cares more about your questions and giving you the answers than you do! And according to John 10:27, Jesus said that you know the Lord’s voice, and a stranger’s voice you will not follow.

We don’t realize just how much the Holy Spirit leads us. We often think we’re just planning our lives as we go along, but in reality, the Holy Spirit is leading us — that’s how much He loves you!

Say, “Holy Spirit, if Jesus says I know your voice, then I know your voice. And as I read your Word, it will bring the answers to my questions.”

First Corinthians 6:17 says:

But he who is joined in the Lord is one spirit with Him.

You are one spirit with the Lord! We aren’t separated — we share a spirit with Him! And that means you can hear His voice.

It’s so important that when you’re asking these questions, you believe in God’s Word and what it says about you. If you believe what the Word says about you and say, “Lord, I believe your Word, and I can hear your voice. A stranger’s voice I will not follow.” When you do this, you’re aligning yourself with the Holy Spirit to hear the voice of God.

I want you to have the faith that God wants you to know the answer! God wants you to know the answer, therefore, you will know the answer! You’re not dependent on yourself — you’re dependent on Him. God is always faithful, and when you put your trust in Him, peace comes.