Daily Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:7; Ephesians 3:20; 1 Peter 1:7
God often speaks to my heart about Ephesians 3:20, which says, “…Unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” As I meditate on this verse, my mind always goes to that phrase “worketh in us.” That means the Holy Spirit is working in you and me as believers, and He’s doing it right now. He’s doing something “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think”!
You might say, “Because of what’s going on in my life, it doesn’t look or feel like God is doing anything exceeding abundantly above all I can ask or think.” But the Bible says that we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). It’s so important for us to lift our eyes higher than what we can see or feel.
When I meditate on Ephesians 3:20, I marvel at the thought that God is working in me now. Then I begin to think about the fact that all of us as human beings want to be recognized and thanked for at least some of the things we do for others. We serve our children, our spouse, other family members, our communities, our brothers and sisters in the Lord, etc. Every once in a while, we like to be thanked.
But what about the Holy Spirit, who is working in you right now? He was working in you five minutes ago. He was working in you last night while you were sleeping. And He’ll be working in you five minutes from now, tonight, and tomorrow! It’s very important to acknowledge your gratitude to Him by saying, “Holy Spirit, thank You for working in me! Lord, You know the situation I’m facing, but I acknowledge that You’re doing exceeding abundantly above all I can ask or think according to Your power that works in me. I choose to focus my thoughts on these truths instead of on my circumstances!” Subscribe to Denise’s 28-Day Journey Email Devotionals! That’s why I said it’s important that we acknowledge what is true, not just what we see or feel. Since the Word of God is true, Almighty God in the Person of the Holy Spirit is working in you and me right now.
Why don’t you declare about yourself, “God is working in me, and He’s doing exceeding abundantly above all I can ask or think!” That is the truth, and the more you acknowledge it, the more it will affect the circumstances and situations of your life.
God loves our faith. The perfecting of our faith is more precious to Him than gold (1 Peter 1:7). He is well pleased when you and I use our faith when we face trials and temptations instead of running away or wringing our hands and wondering where He went! So exercise your faith in God’s promise that He is working in you to fulfill His plans and purposes for your life. He’s doing something so powerful in you ¾ exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think!
I want to encourage you to look to God with great expectancy because He is working out a plan for your life. Don’t just read God’s promises — say them out loud because your ears need to hear them. Your ears have probably already heard words that are not as supportive as God’s Word, so speak those His words of life out loud over yourself and your circumstances. Let those words wash over your mind as you proclaim, “God is working in me, and He’s working a plan for me. And He’s doing all of it exceeding abundantly above all I can ask or think. Thank God for His mighty work!”
How can my team and I be praying for you today? We believe God has a special plan just for you, and we want to stand with you in faith to see His will come to pass in every area of your life.
In His great love,
Denise Renner