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  • Easter — The Rest of the Story (Pre-Sale) Special Offer

    $45.00 $33.00

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    *** Pre-Orders Have Begun for Easter — The Rest of the Story!

    *** Special pricing offer – savings will appear in your cart!

    1-5 copies — $33 (over 25% off retail)
    6-10 copies — $31 (over 30% off retail)
    11 or more copies — $29 (over 35% off retail)

    Easter — The Rest of the Story

    Jesus’ mission was clearly defined from the foundation of the world. He came into this world as a Babe in a lowly manger, born to die for the sin of mankind — yet His future held hope for the eternal well-being of all who would believe on Him. In Christ’s short physical life on Earth, He would be yielded up as the Lamb of God, His blood the only acceptable sacrifice that could restore man to a relationship with the Father.

    Most of us have heard the story — in church, in Sunday School, or from someone sharing his salvation testimony. We know Christ died and then rose again. But what about the days and hours leading up to the time of His crucifixion? It was a real, recorded time in history known as “the Passion” or the Passion of Christ. What happened in those critical moments, and why did it happen?

    Nothing that occurred in Jesus’ last days on the earth was insignificant where you and I are concerned. That’s why Rick Renner wrote Easter — The Rest of the Story.

    Presenting Scripture as well as the writings of Early Church fathers, Rick addresses the following questions and topics:

    • Jesus’ agony of soul in which He sweat real drops of blood.
    • Why hundreds of soldiers — not just a few — met Jesus’ to arrest Him.
    • The details of “the Judas kiss” and Judas’ fatal flaw from the beginning.
    • How you can effectively respond to betrayal in your own life.
    • How Peter’s life and ministry were miraculously spared after he cut off Malchus’ ear.
    • Who was the naked boy in the Garden of Gethsemane?
    • The physical and mental abuse Jesus endured before the Crucifixion.
    • Who was Pontius Pilate, and why did he try to save Jesus?
    • The horrors of a Roman scourging and what Jesus suffered in Pilate’s court.
    • The amazing significance of the “Place of the Skull” where Jesus died.
    • Why the Cross was so “ugly” and why we must remember it.
    • What Jesus meant when He said, “It is finished!”
    • Mary Magdalene saw Jesus’ after His resurrection, and women were the first to preach about it.
    • What Jesus has been doing for the last 2,000 years.
    • Christ’s horrific death and glorious resurrection paid for your deliverance from grief, depression, sin, sickness, and disease.


    In this elegant hardbound volume, you’ll find:

    • Original hand-painted full-color illustrations on high-gloss paper that vividly portray Christ’s Passion and His last days on the earth before His Crucifixion.
    • Questions to answer and discuss at the end of each chapter.
    • Endnote citations documenting the historical facts of Jesus’ last days and His Crucifixion.
    • A keepsake volume that will be meaningful for generations!


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